Monday, July 12, 2010

The Way Of The Bodhisattva 1.10 - 1.14


For like the supreme substance of the alchemists,
It takes the impure form of human flesh
And makes of it the priceless body of a Buddha.
Such is bodhichitta: we should grasp it firmly!


If the perfect leaders of all migrant beings
Have with boundless wisdom seen its priceless worth,
We who wish to leave our nomad wandering
Should hold well to this precious bodhichitta.


All other virtues, like the plantain tree,
Produce their fruit, but then their force is spent.
Alone the marvelous tree of bodhichitta
Will bear its fruit and grow unceasingly.


As though they pass through perils guarded by a hero,
Even those weighed down with dreadful wickedness
Will instantly be freed through having bodhichitta
Who then would not place his trust in it?


Just as by the fires at the end of time,
Great sins are utterly consumed by bodhichitta,
Thus its benefits are boundless,
As the Wise and Loving Lord explained to Sudhana.

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