Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Thought

Is it so hard to see through the veil? What does it really takes, the door of Dukkha? This world needs to awaken.

Only one truth, and this speaks of Love. A love that is selfless in nature.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Random Quotes

‎"When neither something nor nothing 
Remains to be known, 
There is no alternative left 
But complete non-referential ease." 
- Shantideva

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The subtle fears we feel within, in the wake of the catastrophic event in Japan, is just a reminder.

A reminder to us that we are not separate from this Earth, that the transient nature of life is calling out to us, and that we must then learn to love with open hearts to dissolve the fears.

Time to pay attention; there's a need to be awaken.

With metta to all in Japan, and the World.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dedication to the quake victims in Japan

May the survivors find strength in the human spirit and rebuild their lives.
May the vanquished see the Dharma and be liberated.

May all be well and happy.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Courtesy of AEN

1. seer........ seeing......... seen

2. seer ------> seeing <------ seen

3. seeing

4. seeing = seen
5. | seen |    | seen |    | seen |
6. | seen |    | seen |    | seen |

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is a Buddhist?

Stumbled upon this from twitter. Funny short clip, not to be taken too seriously too!

Saturday, March 5, 2011



Some reflections which I've written in a Chinese verse. Dunno how, but the words just came out.

This week have been a changing week, a sense of ease has taken over and feels refreshed. Letting go finally of a predominant attachment thought in the past 2 months have been refreshing. The sense of ease has carried on to my daily disposition and behavior. It seems like I've traveled back in time to a younger year and am more carefree, but with a twist of endowed honesty.

Dualistic thoughts still surfaces from time to time, some even suggesting conflicts. However the clarity is obvious, and the traces are allowed to pass.

Count on the breath.

Friday, March 4, 2011


作词:刘德华 作曲:赵钦

无量心 生福报 无极限 
无极限 生息息 爱相连 
为何君视而不见 规矩定方圆 
悟性 悟觉 悟空 心甘情愿 

放下 颠倒梦想 放下云烟 
放下 空欲色 放下悬念
多一物 却添了 太多危险 
少一物 贪嗔痴 会少一点

若是缘 再苦味也是甜
若无缘 藏爱 在心田
尘世 藕断还丝连 回首一瞬间 
种颗善因 陪你走好每一天 

唯有 心无挂碍 成就大愿 
唯有 心无故 妙不可言 
算天算地 算尽了 从前 
算不出 生死 会在哪一天 

勿生恨 点化虚空的眼
勿生怨 欢喜 不遥远
缠绕 欲望的思念 善恶一瞬间 
心怀忏悔 陪你走好每一天 

再牢的谎言 却逃不过天眼 
明日之前 心流离更远 
浮云霎那间 障眼 人心渐离间 
集苦连连 不断的出现 

无量心 生福报 无极限 
无极限 生息息 爱相连 
凡人却视而不见 规矩定方圆 
悟性 悟觉 悟空 心甘情愿 
简简单单 陪你走好每一天

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Thought

It was not too long ago,
that the contractions felt so real.
That the longings were pushing
their ways through.

That actions were undertaken,
and now they end in naught.
For now what is left,
is just a figment of thought.

Arising every moment,
laid to rest at the same time.
A thought is all it is
that cycles through the lifetimes.

So see through this facade
and the beauty beckons.
a beauty that never dies,
for it was never born.